Scorpion Camera DriversΒΆ
The camera drivers section provides access to the selected vendors camera SDK or runtimes.
Scorpion Vision Software supports all main Windows versions - XP, 7,8 and 10 - both 32 and 64 bit.
The actual cameras support can be limited by the camera vendors operating system support.
They camera support can be listed into the following groups:
GigE Cameras
- Sony ZCL SDK
- Basler Pylon 2,3 and 4
- Allied Vision
- Imaging Source
- Basler Pylon4
- Imaging Source
Firewire Cameras
- Unibrain ubCore
- Unibrain Fire-I
- Allied Vision
- Imaging Source
- Basler Pylon2,3 and 4
Web Cameras
- Unibrain Fire-I
Additional Camera Support
The Scorpion Vision Framework also support linescan, 3D cameras and other cameras.
This support is not exposed directly in the Scorpion Vision Installer.