:filename: PelletsResultPanel.py
:author: Olav.Johan.Horgen@tordivel.no
:requirements: Scorpion or higher
Scorpion plugin panel for pellets counting
::, 11nov2015, RL: modified for autodoc, 29aug2011, OJH: created
__version__ = ''
from Scorpion import RegisterCallback,PluginChanged,GetControlByHandle,GetValue,GetStringValue,GetBoolValue,GetIntValue
[docs]class PelletsResultPanel(object):
def __init__(self,cntr,name):
cntr.deleteControls() #delete previous added controls if any
self.resultPanel=cntr.addControl('Panel',2,2) # addControl(type control,top,left)
self.resultPanel.width = (cntr.clientWidth * 2) / 4 -2
#self.resultPanel.height = cntr.clientHeight - 4
self.resultPanel.align = 3 #left
self.resultPanel.anchors = 15
self.resultPanel.color = 'green'
self.resultPanel.caption = ''
self.Label_1 = self.resultPanel.addControl('Label',15,2)
self.Label_2 = self.resultPanel.addControl('Label',15,(self.resultPanel.height / 2) + 2)
#self.panel.align=5 #client
merdString = self.getMerdName()
self.Label_1.caption = merdString
self.Label_1.font.size = 15
self.Label_2.caption = 'Pellets = '
self.Label_2.font.size = 15
print 'Panel client width' , self.resultPanel.clientWidth
print 'Panel client height' , self.resultPanel.clientHeight
print 'Panel height' , self.resultPanel.height
print 'Panel width' , self.resultPanel.width
self.warningPanel = cntr.addControl('Panel',2,(cntr.clientWidth) / 2 +2)
self.warningPanel.width = (cntr.clientWidth) / 4 - 2
self.warningPanel.color = 'yellow'
self.warningPanel.align = 5
#self.pelletWarningPanel.anchors = 15
self.warningPanel.caption = '-'
self.warningPanel.font.size = 15
self.alarmPanel = cntr.addControl('Panel',2,(cntr.clientWidth *3)/4 +2)
self.alarmPanel.width = (cntr.clientWidth) / 4 - 2
self.alarmPanel.color = 'red'
self.alarmPanel.align = 4
#self.toMuchPelletsPanel.anchors = 15
self.alarmPanel.caption = '-'
self.alarmPanel.font.size = 15
#self.toMuchPelletsPanel.color = 'red'
print self,'__init__'
def __del__(self):
print self,'__del__'
[docs] def __str__(self):
return a unique persistance name for host application storage
return '%s_%s'%(self.__class__.__name__,self.name)
[docs] def getConfig(self):
returns plugin configuration as string
from SPB import CreateSpb
#create a spb instance, populate with the plugin configuration
#and return the xml string
return spb.xml
[docs] def setConfig(self,value):
set plugin configuration from the string 'value'
from SPB import CreateSpb
# TODO: extract plugin configuration from the spb object
if spb.getInt('version')>0:
[docs] def getMerdName(self):
profile = GetStringValue('System.SystemName')
profileName = profile.split(' ')
merdNumber = str(profileName[1])
merdName = GetStringValue('Setup.MerdNavn')
merdString = str(merdName) + ' ' + str(merdNumber)
return merdString
[docs] def afterInspect(self,Result):
increment counter and update panel
# update the plugin
self.alarmPanel.caption = str(GetIntValue('StateCounter.AlarmCountSinceMidnight'))
self.warningPanel.caption = str(GetIntValue('StateCounter.WarningCountSinceMidnight'))
self.Label_2.caption = 'Pellets = ' + str(GetValue('Results.pelletsPrImageInPeriod'))
merdString = self.getMerdName()
self.Label_1.caption = merdString
if GetBoolValue('pellets.Value') == True:
self.resultPanel.color = 'red'
elif GetBoolValue('PelletsWarning.Value') == True:
self.resultPanel.color = 'yellow'
self.resultPanel.color = 'green'
print 'after inspect called'
[docs]def CreatePlugin(hWnd, name=''):
Scorpion Plugin Stub - Required
return PelletsResultPanel(cntr,name)